TB-4 is a synthetic fraction of the protein thymosin beta-4, which is present in virtually all human and animal cells. The main purpose of this peptide is to promote healing. It also promotes creation of new blood and muscle cells. The healing effects of TB-4 have been observed in tendons, ligaments, muscle, skin, heart, and the eyes. Thymosin beta-4 is naturally produced in higher concentration where tissue has been damaged. This peptide is also a very potent anti- inflammatory agent.
TB-4 is different from other repair factors (growth hormone, IGF-1), because it promotes endothelial and keratinocyte migration. It also does not bind to the extracellular matrix and has a very low molecular weight. Because of this it can travel long distances through the tissues in the human body.
One of TB-4 key mechanisms of action is its ability to regulate the cell-building protein – Actin. Of the thousands of proteins present within human cells, actin represents roughly 10% of the total. It is thus a vital component of cell structure and movement.
Research has shown that, if the thymosin beta-4 peptide is used after a heart attack, it can reactivate cardiac progenitor cells to repair damaged heart tissue. TB-4 is the part of thymosin beta-4 hormone which promotes the most useful effects (overall healing, repair, new blood and muscle cells).