Treatment FAQs


What kind of hormone replacement therapy will I be prescribed?

At Premierbody we prescribe bio-identical hormones, also referred to as body-identical hormones, regular hormonal medications and various others depending on what the doctor recommends.
Because some women cannot take or tolerate these standard treatments for a number of reasons, we also offer compounded bio identical hormones, prescribed by our experienced doctors and made in an Compounding -approved pharmacy.

Are compounded hormones regulated?

Compounded bio-identical HRT cannot be regulated simply because each individual prescription is tailor made to a specific patient’s needs and therefore different.
The individual hormones contained in anyHRT prescription are fully licensed and regulated. And any compounded versions prescribed by our experienced doctors are made in a fully regulated compounding pharmacies. The pharmacy delivers directly too you.

Do compounded medications have an expiry date?

Most compounded HRT has an expiry date of 6 months after they are dispensed. We recommend you always check your individual prescription.

Is all hormone medication licensed?

Most of it.
Testosterone is a very important hormone for women, improving energy, muscle tone and strength, bone health, libido, and confidence – so our experienced doctors prescribe it for these reasons.
Several medications regularly prescribed in the SA are not officially licensed, so this practice is not uncommon.

How long does it take for HRT to work?

Every patient is different, so there’s no hard and fast rule. For some women the benefits can be immediate, while others may wait up to three months to feel the full effect of their medication.

If I have had a hysterectomy, do I need progesterone?

Yes. Progesterone is a very important hormone for the whole body, not just for the womb lining. Healthy amounts of anti-inflammatory progesterone are good for the neurological system, help control anxiety levels, protect breast tissue, and promote a good quality night’s sleep.

I have osteoporosis, do I need HRT?

Unfortunately, osteoporosis is common in menopausal women not taking HRT and is caused mainly by low oestrogen but progesterone and testosterone are also really important for bones. HRT is the first line treatment and should reverse any bone thinning.

I have vaginal dryness and sex is painful, how will HRT help?

The vagina and bladder are very sensitive to drops in oestrogen levels but also respond very well to treatment. If you are suffering these symptoms, you may be prescribed vaginal oestrogen to use in conjunction with your other HRT.

I have a history of TIAs (transient ischaemic attacks). Is HRT safe for me?

There is no contraindication to being on body/bio identical HRT if you have a history of TIAs.

I have had a DVT in the past, can I take HRT?

Yes. Even if you have a history or family history of blood clots or strokes, it is safe to use transdermal oestrogen, along with micronised progesterone.

Will I need a mammogram?

We recommend mammograms for women every 3 years, between the ages of 50 and 70, as part of the national breast screening programme. In some cases, we may recommend some women get a mammogram every 18 months. Based on your personal or family history, your doctor may ask for a mammogram before this age or at more regular intervals.

For women still under our care after the age of 70, we still recommend continuing with breast screening.

How much will my HRT medication cost?

Cost of HRT can vary from R1999- R3750 per month.

What do I do if I experience breast tenderness or bloating on HRT?

Some patients develop breast tenderness and/or bloating initially. We ask our patients to stop oestrogen straight away and these symptoms will settle down.

The oestrogen can be restarted.

Is it normal to get spots when I am on HRT? And what do I do?

Breakouts are a common symptom of hormonal imbalance and the aim of HRT treatment is alleviate this. If you have been prescribed testosterone or DHEA stop taking these immediately and the spots will settle. Once this happens, you can restart your treatment. If symptoms persist, contact the clinic.


Can I get blood tests via my own GP?

We ask that you arrange blood tests via Premierbody, which saves a lot of issues where blood tests arrive to us incomplete or incorrectly carried out. If this is not a possibility, please let our team know straight away with an email to info@premeirbody.co.za

You Do Not Have to Suffer with Hormone Imbalances!

You can continue, feeling down, depressed, experiencing weight gain, lousy “in bed” and just feeling like your best days are behind you, or you can contact us today.



1. Complete the Questionnaire

Taking the first steps to achieve your optimal hormone levels is easy. Fill out the form now.

2. Pathology / Bloodwork

Comprehensive blood testing is crucial to understanding your hormone levels and overall health, so our doctor can make an individualized protocol just for you.

3. The Doctor Consultation

Your form will be reviewed by our PremierBODY Medical Practitioner.

Thereafter we will reach out to discuss the results and advise on treatment options. This process typically takes 3-5 business days.

4. Start Your Treatment

Once you have met with the doctor we’re ready to create your program.

This typically takes 1-2 business days. Then you come in once a week for your personalised treatment administered by our Premier nurses.

5. Ongoing Access & Treatment

We want to ensure your treatment is delivering results.

That’s why we have ongoing at-home , Premier rooms and virtual visits with Premier medical professionals. And you’ll have unlimited access to your team online.

Need assistance or have any questions? Please contact us.

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